The island of Islay lies to the southwest of Scotland. The Bowmore distilleerderij staat in the gelijknamige plaats. This is the head of the island on the shore of Loch Indaal. Bowmore comes from the Gaelic en "Bow" betekent baai en "More" groot. The betekenis duidt on the large baai Loch Indaal waar Bowmore aan is located. The Bowmore distillery was built in 1779 by David Simpson and is the largest distillery on the island. Tijdens de Tweede wereldoorlog heeft de haven van Bowmore dienstgedaan voor het Britse leger, that met a daar gestationeerde controlepost German duikboten must opsporen. The overname is Morrison Bowmore Ltd. in 1994. in the hands of the Japanese whiskey company Suntory, which is 100% owned by the distillery Bowmore. In the stillhouse of Bowmore there are two wash stills and two spirit stills, all warmed up. The washbacks are in Oregon pine and are in a river. Boven de washbacks zijn bordjes gemonteerd met daarop de namen van de eigenaars en de jaartallen dat ze ownaar van Bowmore waren. Bij Bowmore has still been used in three moutvloeren, here comes 30% of the used mout vandaan, the overige deel comes from the mouterij van Port Ellen. Bowmore has a delicate whiskey in the befaamde welven of the bedrijf. The location on the sea level is ideal here. The new spirit comes from sherry and bourbon and has also been used in refills. The warehouses are not located anywhere in Bowmore, but they have also been used in a large warehouse for distillation, and are not used for the production of whiskey. A warehouse is also built as a swimming pool for the residents of the island. The two words were lost with the lost warmth of the distilled spirit. The water for the product is supplied by rainwater from the heuvels, the water flows over the turf house ground through a graven canal with the name "Distillerie Lade". The water for the coal of the condensors comes from the crane. The Bowmore distillery is the main distillery from the island. The malt from Bowmore comes with a veelvoud aan leeftijden on the market.
Alcohol: | 43% |
Volume: | 70cl |
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